The Molecular Histopathology Laboratory provides support for tissue-based research. The laboratory has highly trained experts who conduct studies ranging from anatomic and toxicologic pathology to rodent necropsy, hematology, and clinical chemistry. We use tissue microarray technology, histological staining, laser capture microdissection, multiplex immunohistochemistry, multiplex in situ hybridization, and digital imaging and analysis.

Understanding disease mechanisms

Integration of research and diagnostic activities

Characterizing multiple mouse models of cancer
Our capabilities and specializations
Basic and advanced histopathology support
The laboratory provides comprehensive pathology support, including molecular and digital pathology, animal health monitoring, biomarker discovery and validation, and drug development support.
Fluorescent multiplex assays
Laser microdissection
Tissue microarrays
Digital imaging and analysis
Diagnostic pathology
By using state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced diagnostic techniques, we facilitate the diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases.
Anatomic and toxicologic pathology
Rodent necropsy