The Animal Diagnostics Laboratory provides animal genotyping services using quantitative and endpoint polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay analysis. In addition, we provide a full range of diagnostic capabilities that include molecular detection of pathogens, microscopic screening for parasites, serological evaluation of antibodies, and microbiological cultures of various culture media.
Overseeing safe facilities and healthy animals
The diagnostic capabilities of our laboratory ensure that animal facilities are free of pathogens and safeguard animal experimental results from being affected or biased by the presence of pathogens. These capabilities include microbiological cultures on various culture media, serological evaluation of antibodies, and molecular detection of pathogens.

Diagnostic capabilities

Microscopic screening
Services using state-of-the-art technology
Our work provides a vital service for researchers by making it possible to genetically identify mice and by monitoring the health of mice in the animal facilities. We conduct DNA quantitation and sizing using an automated capillary electrophoresis separation system that eliminates the need for agarose gel electrophoresis to detect the PCR products.

Improved testing

High-throughput genotyping
Our capabilities and specializations
Animal genotyping and pathogen detection
We rely on real-time PCR assays, also called quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays, to genotype animals and detect pathogens. Real-time PCR assay instruments measure the accumulation of fluorescent signals for precise quantification of PCR products and fast data analysis, since there is no need to detect products using gel electrophoresis.
Real-time PCR/qPCR
DNA quantitation and sizing
Electrophoresis separation system: LabChip® GX Touch™ nucleic acid analyzer