The AIDS Monitoring Laboratory provides clinical trial support by performing sequential immune function studies in people living with HIV or other emerging/re-emerging infectious diseases as they receive treatment.
Assessing treatment efficacy
Our work assesses the efficacy and mode of action of treatment agents and determines optimal therapeutic strategies that may lead to restored immune function.
Supporting clinical trials
We provide dedicated clinical trial support to National Institutes of Health programs, including NIAID’s Division of Clinical Research and NCI’s HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch. Our support includes performing CLIA-certified hematology and flow cytometry assays.
Our capabilities and specializations
Sample management and preparation
We isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells, serum, and plasma from whole blood and leukapheresis specimens. Our team provides cryopreservation and long-term storage of whole blood, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, serum, plasma, and other body fluids or tissues.
Measure human cytokines and biomarkers
Prepare cells for microscopy
Use robotics-assisted liquid handling for large-scale projects
Receive and ship clinical specimens
Flow cytometry
We analyze clinical whole blood specimens using multicolor flow cytometry. Our laboratory conducts color staining and immunophenotypic analyses of cells from tissues and cell cultures. We provide high-speed cell sorting.
BD FACSLyric™ flow cytometer
BD® LSR-II flow cytometer
BD LSRFortessa™ cell analyzer
BD FACSAria™ flow cytometer/cell sorter
Specialized technological capabilities
Our laboratory uses cutting-edge technology to efficiently perform sample analyses.
Sysmex XT-4000i™ automated hematology analyzer
bioMerieux VIDAS® immunoanalyzer
Tecan Freedom EVO™ 200 robotic liquid handler
Siemens Hematek® 3000 automated slide stainer