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Background​ The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic created a crucial need for high quality serology assays and critical reagents to evaluate seroprevalence and antiviral immune responses ​ The initial flood of serology assays entering the market with inadequate performance emphasized the urgent need of standardization and independent evaluation…
A new test detects exposure to viruses that cause COVID-19 and their relatives. Research using it could aid efforts to protect against infections.    A team at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research developed a test capable of assessing exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 and to a selection of its variants and viral…
A nanoparticle-based flu vaccine discovered and developed by the Vaccine Research Center, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was manufactured by Frederick National Laboratory (FNL) for a Vaccine Research Center Phase 1 clinical trial. The vaccine was found to be safe, well-tolerated, and immunogenic against multiple flu…
The HPV and COVID-19 Serology Laboratories are world leaders in the development, validation, and standardization of serology assays for HPV and COVID-19. These laboratories develop standards and reference reagents that enable scientists to compare data derived from different studies and vaccines.Serology standards enable data comparison between…
Image The COVID-19 Serology Laboratory establishes standards and coordinates research for the National Cancer Institute Serological Sciences Network (SeroNet).  At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, 2020, our scientists pivoted to evaluate the performance of SARS-CoV-2 antibody…
You may have had a sore arm, felt tired, or had a headache. Maybe you ran a slight fever. You might have heard these things happen because your COVID-19 shot is working as it should. On the other hand, a lack of side-effects does not point to vaccine failure, according to a new study. The relationship between a reaction to COVID-19 vaccines and…
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded three Frederick National Laboratory teams with NIH Director’s Awards for innovative approaches to COVID-19-related research that advances knowledge and enhances health. “It is a tremendous honor for three Frederick National Laboratory teams to be nominated by three distinct entities within NIH…
In a recent study that sought to measure antibody prevalence in participants who had not previously been diagnosed with a SARS-CoV-2 infection, a team of National Institutes of Health researchers reported that for every person diagnosed with COVID-19 in the spring and summer of 2020, it’s estimated that five additional people infected with the…
The Viral Persistence Section seeks to better understand the establishment, maintenance, and consequences of persistent AIDS virus infections. To achieve these goals, we employ existing and novel nonhuman primate (NHP) models of HIV infection and our extensive experience in the administration and evaluation of antiretroviral agents in NHPs.…
The Viral Persistence Section studies the establishment, spread, and maintenance of persistent AIDS virus infections and persistent opportunistic viral infections that cause cancer in the setting of AIDS.  The laboratory uses a combination of nonhuman primate models of HIV infection, along with advanced cell culture,…
The Viral Oncology Section studies the epidemiology, immune response, and genetics of Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Our work extends to related oncogenic viruses and associated malignancies. Understanding the role of viruses in cancer Seven viruses are known to cause about 20% of human cancers. Our studies are primarily…
The Viral Oncology Section studies the role of viruses in cancer, focusing primarily on Kaposi’s sarcoma–associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and related malignancies. Our research encompasses epidemiology, molecular virology, immunology, and translational studies. 
The Viral Evolution Core was established in 2009 with a mission to provide expertise in specialized sequencing techniques, molecular cloning, and viral evolution analyses to support the AIDS and Cancer Virus Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, and extramural investigators in conducting a broad range of AIDS-research…
The Viral Evolution Core provides expertise in specialized sequencing techniques, molecular cloning, and viral evolution analyses. The core primarily generates viral genome sequencing data and analysis. Our scientists support the AIDS and Cancer Virus Program, National Cancer Institute, National…