Stable Clone Production for Anti-CD6 Monoclonal Antibodies
- Research Category Research & Development Services & Subcontracts
- Solicitation Number S24-058
- NCI OA Contract Number 75N91019D00024 – NCI-FFRDC
Under this Solicitation, the Offeror shall furnish all the necessary services, qualified personnel, materials, equipment, and facilities to generate a stable clone that expresses the anti-human CD6 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Activities include (1) design and generation of expression construct(s), (2) stable pool generation, (3) stable clone generation, (4) stable clone genetic stability studies (5) research cell bank generation, (6) pilot bioreactor run without purification, (7) product and process analytics, and (8) shipment of project deliverables.
Proposal Instructions
Solicitation questions are due no later than 1:00pm (ET) on Monday, September 2, 2024.
Offers are due no later than 1:00pm (ET) on Monday, September 23, 2024.
If interested in receiving the full solicitation package, please contact the POC.
Modified By | Date Modified Sort ascending | Comment |
Angela Morris | S24-058 Solicitation Amendment No.1 provided responses to questions received was issued on September 10, 2024. |