Service Maintenance Agreement - Flow Cytometers
- Research Category Commercial Goods/Services
- Solicitation Number M24-181
- NCI OA Contract Number 75N91019D00024 – NCI-FFRDC
Need SMA Pricing for (4) Flow Cytometers - Period of Performance 10/6/24 - 10/5/25
(3) Aurora 5 Laser - MFG Cytek & (1) Imagestream MKII - MFG Luminex
Serial #'s and Components:
U0178/cc34 Cytek 1. Aurora AMS, sn: CC341
U0708/CD282 Cytek 1. Sample loader, (1.5 and 2.0), sn: CD282
ISX720 Luminex "1. UV+Violet Dual Beam Excitation Laser - 375 nm, 70 mW + 405 nm, 175 mW
2. 12 Imaging Channels & EDF
3. Yellow Excitation Laser - 592 nm, 300 mW
4. AutoSampler
5. Red Excitation Laser - 642 nm, 150 mW
6. MultiMag - 60X, 40X, and 20X (at time of instrument purchase)
7. Green Excitation Laser - 561 nm, 200 mW"
U0954/FE246 Cytek 5 Laser - UV/V/B/YG/R
(2) Premium Contract Plans - (1) ImageStream MKII Complete Service Plan - (1) Value Plan - Cytek - U0954/FE246
Proposal Instructions
Additional Questions, and to receive full solicitation, please contact Nathan Lane
Nathan Lane -