As part of our mission to support the next-generation of biomedical researchers, we have established a number of partnerships with colleges and universities. We also host academic scientists as visiting scientists and visiting scholars.

With our academic collaborators, we co-host lecture series and other scientific events, provide faculty training and exchange, and host undergraduate and graduate student trainees.   

Our partners

Student Training

The Frederick National Laboratory supports the next generation of biomedical researchers through the Partnership Training Program. 

We have established a number of academic partnerships that include training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students from our partner institutions. Summer cohorts enable students from academic partners to train for 8-to-12 weeks under the guidance of FNL mentors across the national laboratory, including the Vaccine Clinical Materials Program, Bioinformatics and Computational Science Program, and Cancer Research Technology Program.

We also support laboratory visits for students at local universities.

Students in PPE circle around a scientist in a lab
John Hopkins University students toured the Frederick National Laboratory as part of Biotech Employers Week 2024 in collaboration with the Life Design Lab.
Group of people around a booth for Frederick National Laboratory
The Partnership Development Office engaged a cohort of students and professors from the SRPP at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University during the 2023 National Institutes of Health’s Collaborative Model for Building Equality and Equity in Research Conference.
Students in a conference room
Bowie State University students in 2023 learning from FNL scientists as part of their summer program.
Group of people standing in a hallway
Students from Johns Hopkins University tour the Frederick National Laboratory, engaging Jana Ognjenovic, Ph.D. (left), senior scientist & group lead, Advanced Cryo-Electron Microscopy Technology Group.